France Guérin-Pace

Directrice de recherche 33(0) 1 56 06 21 50 33(0) 1 56 06 21 99
Secretariat : Geraldine Sheik Adam +33(0)1 56 06 57 37

Research field(s)

- Urban Systems: Long-term changes, study of urban hierarchy, spatial distribution of cities, building models of changes in a population system through a multi-agents dynamic simulation model for the study of urbanism (SIMPOP model).

- Living Spaces-Environments" survey on the perception the French have of the environment, the study of their spatial behaviors, and residential histories.

- Textual statistical tools for studying open questions, interviews and histories.

- International survey on illiteracy, research concerning the value of a comparative approach to this type of survey, the significance of observations made in very different national contexts, and more generally on the validity of illiteracy indicators (European Project).

A word by

France Guérin-Pace talks about the sociological survey that was conducted in Tunisia

Read the interview

Some publications

Guérin-Pace F. 2003 : "Vers une typologie des territoires urbains de proximité", L'Espace Géographique, n°4, pp. 333-345.

Blum A., Guérin-Pace F. 2000 : Des lettres et des chiffres - Des tests d'intelligence à  l'évaluation du "savoir lire", un siècle de polémiques, Paris, Fayard, 200 p.

Guérin-Pace F., Blum A. 2000 : The comparative illusion : The International Adult Literacy Survey, Population : An English selection, 12, 2000, pp.215-246

Collomb P., Guérin-Pace F, 1998 : /publications/collections/travauxetdocuments/td141.Les Français et l'environnement : l'Enquête; Populations -Espaces de vie -Environnements, Ined-PUF, 255p.

Guérin-Pace F. 1997 : La statistique textuelle : un outil exploratoire en sciences sociales, Population, 4,1997, 865-888.

Guérin-Pace F., Mathian H., Pumain D., Sanders L., Bura S. 1996 : "Les systèmes multi-agents pour modéliser l'émergence des systèmes urbains" in L'analyse spatiale de données biodémographiques, Congrès et Colloques, Libbey, Ined, pp. 281-309.

Guérin-Pace F. 1993 : Deux siècles de croissance urbaine, Collection Villes, Anthropos, Economica, 205 p.

Teaching activities, other functions, titles
